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Google proposes geo-smart Internet speedup

Google and other companies interested in addressing the system of the Internet have suggested a technology they hope will get net users to servers around quickly.

This technology is called the Domain Name System, which resolves alphabetical Net addresses like CNET.com on numeric addresses actually used to achieve the appropriate server. Interest in Google's DNS is so strong, the company launched its own service in an effort to reduce some of the delays that may occur when the network equipment closest to a pure user has a numerical address for a particular server immediately to hand.

The move is not interesting just because it has the potential to accelerate a very common chore - Resolution DNS queries take place several times a day, a person searching the Internet, send e-mail, and perform other tasks on the Internet. It is also interesting because it shows the willingness of Google to gradually re-engineer the Internet not only provide its own services. The company is also active in developing and promoting a variety of Web standards.

The process of finding the correct numerical address called DNS resolution, and this may involve several steps request hopping from server to server tries to find the right answer. The problem is that sometimes by the time the answer is recovered from the far side of the planet and give a geographically inappropriate response. In general, the farther away the server is, the slower communication with it.

Think of it as looking up a price point in Oakland and get the answer in U.S. dollars instead of U.S. dollars in New Zealand. Sure, you can do the math to get the local response, but an extra step.

This is where Google and Neustar UltraDNS come in they proposed a DNS extension Wednesday to try to build some geographic smarts in the system.

Specifically, the proposed extension, called Client IP information requests DNS, will send along the first three quarters of a user's Internet Protocol (IP) to request DNS. The last quarter will be lopped off to keep some privacy, but the first part should be enough to target geographically to answer in some cases. Its purpose would be for example the return address for the Dutch servers of Google, not California server of Google, a person in the Netherlands needed to do.

Next up: evaluation of the proposal. "We intend to continue working with all interested parties on the implementation of this solution and look forward to a healthy debate on DNSEXT list," said Google Public group members DNS Wilmer van der Gaast and Carlo Contavalli in a blog post on the proposal.

Is there an eco-angle in an Apple tablet?

Whether we see a beautiful tablet from Apple Wednesday, there is a clear trend towards the use of electronic devices to read what has been traditional print media. From an environmental point of view, that change is a mixed bag, depending both on user behavior, such as technology.

According to reports, Apple will show off a Tablet PC that can be used with a docking station or an electronic reader.

Media engine size with an electronic device, such as the Amazon Kindle may reduce the amount of energy associated with cutting down trees and making physical journals and books, according to some studies.

But electronics recycling, environmental impact is not good. After all, flying an old newspaper in the recycle bin is much more common and easy to recycle electronics, which is the rate the U.S. is estimated at about 10 percent.

As with many environmental issues, the more you ask, is the most complex. But here are some thoughts:

Who does the box?
Apple has taken heat from watchdog groups in the past, but current products are state of the art when it comes to energy efficiency and materials. In the latter products, Apple has gradually use of PVC plastic and dangerous brominated flame retardant, so it would be surprising if it continued this policy with the new material.

Obviously, people should work Apple tablet from the batteries more than a laptop or desktop computer. Batteries, of course, wear and should be replaced after a few years. Apple says laptop batteries last longer than others, and offers a transfer program to replace batteries, so it gets high marks from environmental groups to score.

On the other hand, after a few years, many people are likely to buy something new, instead of sending a unit to upgrade the batteries, which ultimately generates more e-waste.

Pixels to paper.
Intuitively, it seems that the reduction of paper, using an electronic device consumes less power than the trees to collect, process pulp, printing papers, and delivery to your door. But making blanket conclusion about their energy use through electronic communication is not easy.

The Center for Sustainable Communication in Stockholm, Sweden, conducted a study concludes that reading a newspaper on a PC for 30 minutes results in almost the same carbon as printed newspaper. as a device that is smaller than a PC, the reputation of Apple tablet would have to consume less energy.

Paper Company International Paper goes further to say that the paper-and-paper industry uses resources (trees) that can be managed in a sustainable manner, recycling rates are much higher in the paper than electronics.

Energy intensity
The effectiveness of each tablet or e-reader is definitely worth a comparison with laptops and similarly sized devices. Kindle the Amazon, for example, uses technology E Ink, which is significantly more efficient from a power-screen LCD, for example.

But look how much power a device consumes when in the hands of the end user is not the complete story, notes Casey Harrell, a coordinator for Greenpeace's global campaign online. About half of the embedded energy "in an electronic product from the supply chain of companies supplying Apple or other manufacturers, he said.

What's more, as more and more smartphones and tablets are released, the switch to energy consumption in data centers that connect these gadgets. "One tablet can certainly signal a reduction of environmental footprint over traditional print, but the big question is what energy powering the data center in the cloud;" Harrell said.

How the device is used.
Apple can do something of value retention over five years - a long time in the frantic pace of consumer electronics. However, if the purchaser is replacing within a year, it also adds to the electronic waste stream. The same applies if customers are not using the services of recycling.

Overall, an Apple tablet, or the number of electronic readers are expected this year, can bring many benefits from the digitization of content and even change the way we read, day after day. Either bring net environmental benefit, but has more to do with the owner, outside the institution.

Motorola offers Baidu search in China smartphones

Motorola said that China buyers of their Android powered smartphones can choose the local search engine Baidu instead of Google, the Internet giant behind the mobile software platform.

"Users will be able to choose their search experience from a variety of vendors, including Baidu and others, as Motorola has signed a strategic agreement, Motorola said in a release.

Google has promised to quit filter the search results as required by law in China and may be forced to pull out of the country as a result.

Motorola announced "new feature for Android phones with the launch of a China smart phone application store called Zhi-Jian-Yuan, translated to" Place for Apps Wisdom "in English.

"By giving them a choice in their applications and services, Motorola in China allows consumers to customize the way they experience the power of the mobile Internet, China Telecom said in a release.

The "SHOP4APPS" service and search capabilities through Baidu will be available preloaded on the Android phones, or as "over-the-air" updates of the Chinese New Year in mid-February, according to Motorola.

"We want the phones to reflect our lifestyle and our choices," China Unicom said in a release.

"The ability to pick their own search pages, our own instant messaging services, is our own game, and to create our own mobile experience to help China Unicom to deliver on the promise of 3G."

Motorola works closely with operators in China, and ecosystem partners "such as Baidu to provide a suite of smart phone services including e-mail, maps and search, according to Motorola Mobile Devices Vice President Christy Wyatt.

Apple, labels talk music in the cloud

leaders have talked with the top four record companies about plans to offer streaming music service free for consumers, several music industry sources told CNET.
Apple's leaders have not revealed many details about their plans, but did discuss the offer iTunes users a means to save copies of their music libraries on Apple's servers. The benefits to an iTunes user will include the ability to back up your music and access songs from the Internet from any Internet-connected device, and be from anywhere in the world.

Apple's song downloads, apparently not affected. Apple has told some music executives that they see on the streaming function as a "value add" that could help stimulate the sale. Apple indicated in negotiations that the current service could be ready to deploy as soon as this spring.

It is unlikely but not impossible that Apple will announce streaming service to a scheduled Jan. 27 press event, where Steve Jobs & Co. are widely expected to unveil a new tablet device. Apple has not publicly disclosed details of the plan, but to the four major record companies, according to sources with knowledge of the discussions. To provide this type of streaming service - even if it is to store and distribute the music you already purchased by a consumer - my sources say Apple may be necessary to negotiate new agreements with the labels.

An Apple spokesman would not comment.
Apple always the curiosity of iTunes fans last month when it bought Lala, a struggling streaming music service. Since then, many people guessed that Apple planned to use Lala and its leaders to stream music and possibly video too. Michael Roberton, founder of MP3.com and one of the tech sector's best-known agitators, led to more speculation Tuesday when he wrote on TechCrunch: "Apple plans to upgrade their users almost overnight into a cloud music service in an ambitious move to beat Amazon and others. "He cites unnamed music industry sources.

Robertson said Wednesday that many people involved in digital music thinks Apple is vulnerable when it comes to cloud computing. Streaming content is considered by many to be the next wave in digital entertainment, and Apple has not had much of a profile in this area. In the past two years, consumers have shown that they like streaming music. Pandora, the 10-year-old streaming radio service, last week announced it had recorded its first profitable quarter.

Robertson said he expects to see an "upload" button on iTunes as part of a future update.

Still, Robertson said an iTunes streaming plan can be problematic for the music industry. There is a possibility that Apple can not believe it has to compensate, or even buy new licenses to stream legally purchased songs to the owners, "says Robertson. As the largest music retailer in the world, Apple has kind of muscle to launch the service without asking for permission, according to Robertson.

"I have spoken with one of the labels the guys about this," Robertson said during our interview. "The person said that the labels are not very happy, but they are not sure that Apple will not try to jam this through no matter what the labels want. Apple can say: 'We sell 2 billion songs and this is what we do. "

On the issue of iTunes have licenses to play legally purchased music, Robertson has some experience. He fights a copyright lawsuit filed two years ago by EMI Music to its streaming-music service, MP3tunes.com. EMI argues that MP3tunes does not have authorization to exploit the company's music this way. Robertson counters that there is nothing illegal about the storage and streaming of someone's legally purchased songs. His case would come to a conclusion later this year.

Another possible conflict between Apple and the labels may come when Apple's streaming service starts to hurt subscription music services, "said Robertson. If Apple is allowed to stream music to a user anywhere in the world, why would anyone pay $ 8 a month subscription? I pointed out that the subscription services also offer all-you-can-eat music. Robertson says that the major and most important songs to music fans are the ones they already own.

"An iTunes streaming service could close the window of opportunity for labels to create a new type of subscription service," said Mr. Robertson.

Google's 4Q profit on higher sales fierce online advertising

Google License coil in more Internet ad spending during the holiday, vacation and approaching $ 2 billion in kuartal profit for the first time, giving the strongest sign yet that the online search leader terguncang from the recession doldrums.

Kuartal Tuesday announced fourth-income top analyst estimates, but only corresponding budget income.

Investors initially reacted with disappointment, but it looks like back because they have more time to digest results. On Wednesday, shares of the company are only 40 cents below the closing price of $ 582.98 after initially melorot of $ 33.98, or nearly 6 percent, in extended trading.

Google generates $ 1.97 billion, or $ 6.13 per share, in the last three months of 2009. Views such a dramatic increase from income of $ 382 million at the same time in 2008, when Google's revenue was reduced to reflect the costs erode the value of some investments.

Kuartal fourth income reached $ 6.7 billion, an increase of 17 percent. Income has also risen more than 10 percent from the previous kuartal, the first time Google has increased with consecutive double-digit growth since the U.S. recession began in December 2007.

"Given that the global economy is still in early recovery times, this is unusual for the end of this year," said Eric Schmidt, Google Chief Executive.

Accelerate the speed of growth shows that Google is recession retake pre-step that allows the company to consistently increase quarterly earnings by at least 30 percent. Google is so big now be difficult to return to that level, but analyst still think disposable income increased by nearly 20 percent this year - up from 9 percent for all of 2009.

Prospect has led Google to loosen the purse strings to hire more employees, I make more acquisitions and new business opportunities such as mobile phone. Investors are not happy with the commitment because Google will not say how many prepared to spend, raise concerns that profit margins may not grow as income this year.

Google added 170 employees in kuartal fourth, bringing its payroll to 19,835 employees. If you can not find enough qualified candidates, Google want to employ around 2000 workers this year, with emphasis on technical and ad sales, said Patrick Pichette, company financial officer.

Schmidt also told investors in a conference call that the company probably will make at least one acquisition per month, "the majority, is smaller." Is the largest acquisition the company suspended the proposed agreement to purchase admob, mobile advertising service, for $ 750 million.

Google's recent decision to sell the phone, called the Nexus One, was very annoying for investors because the cost to promote and support the device can be greater than the income derived, word Signal Hill Group analyst Todd Greenwald.

If there is no other, performance kuartal fourth possibility would be to give people something to talking about other threats to close it based on Google's Chinese search engine and may withdraw from the world's densest country in the dispute sensors and computer security.

Schmidt did not say something new about the uncertain future of Google in China during a conference call with the analyst. He reiterated Google hopes to find ways to maintain presence in China while the company emphasize means to stop censoring search results in the state in "time is short enough." Article conflict with China shows that the sanctions against the government considered subversive or pornographic.

Fourth Kuartal Google can indicate the overall online advertising market is getting back after losing the spirit of steam through most of 2009. But Google can prove to be an anomaly because of the dominance of online search so far has been placed in front of the pack. One competitor, Yahoo Inc., is expected to report lower earnings during the fourth kuartal release those results Wednesday.

For the full year, Google received $ 6.5 billion, or $ 20.41 per share, on revenue of $ 23.65 billion. In 2008, Google received $ 4.2 billion, or $ 13.31 per share, on revenue of $ 21.8 billion.

4 countries cleared hurdle for non-Latin Web names

Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates is the first country to win approval for the initial Internet address is written entirely in their native script.

Since their creation in the 1980s, the Internet domain names have been limited to 26 characters in the Latin alphabet used in English, and 10 numbers and dashes. Technical tricks have been used to allow parts of the Internet address to use other scripts, but until now, must use the suffix-37 characters.

Announcement from Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number, known as ICANN, opening the way for the entire domain name that will appear in Cyrillic or Arabic in the middle of this year. Applications to string in another language which delayed.

That means Internet users with little or no knowledge of English no longer need to type Latin characters to access the Web sites targeting Russian or Arabic speakers. Although search engines can sometimes help people achieve this, the company still need to enter Latin characters in the ad.

Users may still need to Latin characters e-mail address, however, as engineers merampungkan Internet standards for e-mail application that can understand all of the domain name in Cyrillic or Arabic.

ICANN gave initial approval to the country after four years of debate and trial non-Latin name. Demand for them has increased throughout the world as the expanding Internet use among people from different languages.

Some countries have issued some non-Latin domain name script - just use the suffix latin characters. But Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates did not, said Tina Dam, senior director for ICANN Domain Name internationalization program.

For three Arabic-speaking countries, there will be too much confusion because their language is written right to left, while the Latin useful left to right. Russian, is a concern that Latin and Cyrillic characters look too similar and will create confusion if mixed in a single Internet address.

Four countries have now formally requested the suffix, ICANN and the hall must be signed. Is now expected that the ICANN staff has cleared the proposed suffix to ensure they will not cause technical problems or confusion with the Latin language is the domain name.

Their endings are:

• The equivalent of "Egyptian" in Arabic.

• "RF" for the Russian Federation, which is written in Cyrillic.

• The Arabic equivalent to "AlSaudiah," short for Saudi Arabia.

• "Emirates" written in Arabic for the UAE.

All four countries will maintain their current two-letter Latin suffix - ". For example" to Egypt, ". Ru" for Russia, ". Sa" and to Saudi Arabia. "Ae" for Emirates.

ICANN received applications from 16 countries in eight languages since mid of last November. Office will not release details about those who are still being studied.

Clinton plans to stump Net global freedom

Foreign Minister Hillary Rodham Clinton was preparing to deliver a major speech on Saturday raised the importance of Internet freedom and place influence from the United States' diplomacy behind the effort to protect it, according to many who have given explanations about the content of speech.

Clinton's speech at the Newseum in Washington, DC, intended to announce that support for independence and freedom of the press line will be the priority and the Department of Foreign Affairs will address the importance of CyberSecurity, who said the explanation was given. For example, the United States be prepared to ask for support countries to state the basic principles of freedom around the Internet as part of the conditions to receive foreign aid, sources told CNET News.

Speech will come just nine days after Google's blunt declaration about illegal Chinese sensors and electronic interference, including charges of theft of intellectual property. A total of 30 other companies may have been targeted, including Yahoo, Symantec, Juniper Networks, Dow Chemical, and Northrop Grumman.

One question answered for directing the Assistant Foreign Minister Michael Posner, which took place Tuesday morning, is whether the Department of Foreign Affairs will risk offending the Chinese government last week to discuss the proposed cost by Google. "We do not have the impact that will have particular reference Chinese Google incident," said Robert Mahoney, deputy director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, one of those given an explanation.

But State Department officials, speaking on background, told CNET that the incidents in the future will be included in Google's Chinese speech.

Speech came at a dangerous time in Washington-Beijing relations, which have been emphasized by the dispute at the Copenhagen summit carbon emissions and the controversy over China's currency valuation, yuan.

"If people find the putting out of 1-through-10 Internet agenda, they will be disappointed," said Leslie Harris, president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, who is also an explanation. "But if they find the United States to place the power of diplomacy on the line for Internet freedoms, it will become a very important speech."

Google believes blunt recognition that the Chinese government is behind penyusupan in the internal network, and possible theft of source code, has been among the turbulent political and technology since last week. Has led the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to show that it will lodge an official protest in a letter - called demarche - with Beijing.

In the last few days, State Department officials have been meeting with several partners and China say they plan to continue the discussion.

New tech tools help Haiti quake relief

Hundreds of volunteers technology driven to act by the killer earthquake Haiti add a new dimension to disaster assistance, to develop tools and services for the first penanggap new community in the effort and unprecedented.

"It was so amazing how a change in response to the crisis can be done now," said Noel Dickover, Washington, DC-based maintenance technology CrisisCamp Volunteer movement, which is the center of efforts to Haiti. "Developers, crisis Mapper and even Internet-smart people who can really make a difference."

Volunteers have built and improve the software to detect the loss, the mapping of disaster areas and allows urgent phone text messages. Organizations including the International Red Cross, United Nations, World Bank and U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency has put the system to use.

Tim Schwartz, 28 years old artist and programer in San Diego, fear on learning of the disaster, with an array of social network sites are active, important information about the earthquake Haiti will "go to any of the Internet and that will be very difficult to really find people - and return to their loved ones, "he said. Schwartz Be quick e-mail "all the developers who have worked with."

In a few hours, he and 10 others have been built http://www.haitianquake.com, online lost-and-find to help in Haiti and abroad searching for lost relatives.

Database, which anyone can update, only lines of less than 24 hours after the earthquake, with more than 6000 entered as Schwartz and koleganya write a "dredging" that collects data from the Red Cross.

The New York Times, Miami Herald, CNN and others launched similar efforts. And two days later, Google has a similar device running, PersonFinder, that the Department of Foreign Affairs was appointed in your own website and squeak. PersonFinder grow from those lost-technology developed after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005.

Christopher Csikszentmihalyi, director of the Center for Future Civic Media at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, organizing to consolidate all the online tools such as the version of Google that information will not be trapped in the projects compete.

He considers PersonFinder, which can be embedded in each web page and Saturdays are more than 32,000 records, a victory because it is "greatly increase the chance that in Haiti Haiti and abroad will be able to find one another."

Schwartz agreed and folding basisdata PersonFinder, which he thought would be "the application to the disaster and lost all disasters in the future."

Site has received several hundred thousand requests, "said Google spokesperson Elaine Filadelfo. He did not have data on how many people have found loved ones using the device.

Other volunteer projects wrought by the earthquake is in the mobile phone text message system that has helped the UN, Red Cross and other aid groups sending rescuers, food and water. Haiti needs help can send free text messages from mobile phone networks in the country Comcel and Digicel to the number 4636.

"At least 20 people so far have been able to use this program to inform their families in the U.S. that they were doing fine," said Katie Stanton, a former Google employee working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office of Innovation.

Enter the text translated, and classified "Geotag" by volunteers, including members of Haitian-Americans in New York City-based Service Employees International Union. This service is being promoted on the radio station Haiti and the service had handled more than 1000 messages since the start Saturday, Josh said Nesbit, a co-inventor. He put the same system for a hospital in Malawi, Africa, while at Stanford University.

Chief executive Eric Rasmussen of InSTEDD, humanitarian non-profit that helps small to develop, said by telephone from the airport runway Haiti on Tuesday that the UN search and rescue dispatcher who at the time of mobilization is to find a woman eight months pregnant and suffering from infections that have been sent SOS messages using the system.

In other collaborative efforts, the OpenStreetMap "crisis mapping" project, volunteers lining up-to-the-minute data (such as the hospital courts a new location and spent the bridge) to post-earthquake that citra satellite companies GeoEye and DigitalGlobe are already made available free of charge. Digital Cartography - information from all of the Twitter feed to report eye witnesses - aid workers have helped speed food, water and medicines to places that most needed.

One of the rescue team leader of Colombia upload maps to portable GPS units before the crew team arrived at the scene last week, said the developer. Other volunteers, Talbot Brooks of Delta State University in Cleveland, Miss., to change the city in a letter seukuran document has been printed before aid workers traveling to the quake zone.

"We have been using their data in our initial post-disaster needs assessment," said Stuart Gill from the World Bank.

Internet social network has been organizing volunteers to help expose the work session.

IBM's profit rose 9 percent, earnings growth resume

IBM Corp. said Monday that it successfully 9 percent increase in profit last kuartal technology companies grow as income for the first time in one and a half years.

It also offers a slightly better estimates for the year 2010, although IBM has said that investors were "well ahead" of the measures will be needed to achieve the target first. IBM's stock dipped in extended trading.

Kuartal recent increase in income, which ended December 31 is just under 1 percent. And is aided by currency fluctuations. Constant value for the dollar, IBM's revenue will be down 5 percent. But even a slight increase was recorded because IBM has changed the income rise is kuartal year from July to September 2008. Some analyst have been concerned that IBM will continue to have trouble using the cost reduction flash to squeeze higher profits.

However, shares slipped $ 2.68, or 2 percent to $ 132.00 in extended trading, perhaps because investors expect better. IBM shares rose 1.8 percent to close at $ 134.14 before the earnings report.

"I think IBM is really shocking. Because it is very difficult to get that rating was enthusiastic - we are talking single-digit earnings growth company," said Brian Marshall, an analyst with Broadpoint.AmTech. "When I see the environment improved, there would be far more leverage in other companies."

IBM says earned $ 4.8 billion, or $ 3.59 per share in the last three months of 2009, up from $ 4.4 billion, or $ 3.27 per share, a year earlier. Analyst who disurvei by Thomson Reuters expected $ 3.47 per share.

Income was $ 27.2 billion, versus $ 27.0 billion in the fourth kuartal year 2008. The analyst had expected flat revenue of $ 27.0 billion.

IBM's earnings in services and software to increase, while the hardware falls. However, the device division is not hard decline as steep as in previous kuartal.

IBM's results are not always track with the direction of the economy as a whole, but higher income is the corporation that pattern to continue normal production technology. IBM also said he signed $ 18.8 billion in new services contracts in kuartal, up 9 percent from the previous year. Income from these contracts will reserve a large part in the years ahead.

Intel Corp. offers production this season's first indication there is recovery technology last week. Intel posted a higher income and the company's highest-ever gross margin gains, largely driven by sales of a better microprocessor for server computers. Shows that companies spend more on their computer system over a firm budget for the recession.

IBM said they expect profits at least $ 11 per share in 2010. Higher than IBM's previous projection of $ 10 to $ 11 per share in the profits.

In the first kuartal, income is expected to be $ 22.8 billion to $ 23.0 billion. Analyst predicts $ 22.3 billion.

IBM, based in Armonk, NY, has impressed investors with a squeeze profit-ramas even get a worse time. To do this, IBM has been based on the ability to crop your own expense and sell technology services to other companies as a way to save money. IBM stock has increased more than 50 percent last year.

For all of 2009, IBM's net income increased 9 percent to $ 13.4 billion, while income down 8 percent to $ 95.8 billion.

Fox News "Confirms" Apple Tablet, iLife 2010 and Next iPhone OS

From Fox News, one article posted on Monday, arguing that not only next week's Apple event is now confirmed to host long-rumored tablet discovery, but see the next iteration of Apple's iLife software show. Fox's report also indicates that Apple will be discussed in the next iPhone OS update.

Article Fox News "Clayton Morris is boldly called" Apple Tablet, iPhone Launch 4 approved January 27 "(never mind that it is always iffy to" approve "any new Apple product until Steve Jobs is standing onstage with them), and further detailed Morris had had a conversation with an Apple source early Monday morning.

According to his conversation with the unnamed individual, for next week's San Francisco event will concentrate on three specific projects: a long-rumored Apple tablet the next iteration of iLife and the iPhone OS update. However, iPhone owners have reason to get too excited just yet, because the report indicated that discussions on the next iPhone software will be severely limited level.

TheNextWeb noted that the author Clayton Morris is properly distributed Apple related stories from the past with him, knowing now approved for the Apple event before anyone else.

However, despite Morris 'apparently assured sources, Apple's mysterious event invitation wording may suggest he is not right this time. Apple's invitation, welcomed the press to come and see the companies' most recent creation ". If you take into account the plural to the Apple event organized entirely devoted to the device, which is extensivly so wish, or they indicate that more than expected?

Also in the past Apple has a relatively open with their iPhone OS update notifications, and these events have come later in the year.

Apple's Latest Creation "event is 10 PST on January 27th at San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for Theater Arts.

What would you like to see the next iPhone OS, and what are your hopes for the new version of iLife? Let us know the comments!

China online earnings reached 11 billion dollars in 2009

China companies have earned nearly 11 billion dollars from their Internet activities last year, a research group said Monday as the nation with the world's largest online population is becoming more web-savvy.

Online revenues from advertising, gaming, shopping and other activities, which grew more than 30 percent annually to 74.3 billion yuan, Cao Junbo, senior researcher on the internet iResearch Consulting Group, told AFP.

The research group expects online sales to reach 112.3 billion yuan this year and 273.4 billion yuan in 2013, said Cao.

China has more than 384 million Internet users, more than any other country in the world, shows a new line released last week by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), a government-linked industry body.

By the end of June 2009, the number of online customers in China reached 87.88 million, meaning about one in four Internet users shop online, according to a report from the center.

Apple added iTunes Store page for Haiti donations

Apple has added a page to the iTunes Store, which allows people to donate to the American Red Cross to help those affected by the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.

On the page you can click to donate $ 5, $ 10, $ 25, $ 50, $ 100 or $ 200. Apple notes that 100 percent of donations go to the Red Cross, and "will support emergency relief efforts to help those affected by this earthquake." Donations can go to the emergency, mobilizing relief workers, or providing financial resources.

Apple also says that iTunes will not share your personal information with the Red Cross, so you only get a standard e-mail receipt from iTunes.

Many companies have recently promised to donate profits from their apps to the relief efforts as well.

Note that you can not use iTunes Store credit from donations, I have made a donation this morning and my balance did not change.

IPhone Mini drone and video games to real life

Drones now synonymous with U.S. military strikes in hotspots like Afghanistan. But the French company has now built a mini version piloted by giving iPhone video games on the streets.

Represents the flying saucer-like AR.Drone - your reality increases - caused a sensation when it was indicated on the unsuspecting world at trend setting consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas last week.

This week the creators gave AFP the company's next show in their offices at the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris, where quadricopter "" perplexed and impressed passers-by on a cold winter evening.

One of the 10 engineers who spent four years developing a drone tapped the button on the iPhone it takes from the land and make it hover near the dark waters of the canal.

Then he tilted the phone or forward it sideways to manoeuvre around nearby trees and park benches.

The machine's four propellers whirred calm as he moved through the air, a camera streaming live video from two cameras, three Wi-Fi, to the pilot on the telephone.

You can stay the drone moves at 18 kilometers (11 miles) per hour, airborne for 15 minutes after 60-minutes Battery charge, the maximum range of 50 meters (yards), and weighs just over 300 grams, or half a pound.

The automatic flight stabilization makes it much better to any other flying toys currently on store market, the company.

"We use very sophisticated technology development - technology used in military and commercial drones," said Henri Seydoux, founder of the Parrot, the company making the toys.

AR.drone is fun to pilot and probably would have hit if he has anything but flying around and onlookers astonish.

But its creators are far more plans for it: a video-gaming.

They represent and encourage this but they have no interest in having their engines used for aerial photography, spying or any other thing.

Back inside their offices, Parrot team proudly displayed their engine capacities.

An engineer to the drone in the air and as soon as they saw the cameras were targets set up around the room, was the transformation of the iPhone screen in the virtual robots to be then he could fire missiles.

To be a beacon serves as target drones on other permits two or more parties to tackle air inside or outside.

This is the aspect of increased reality - merging the physical world with the virtual world.

"This will be expressed drone not only kids play games on their computers but in the garden, the country, or on the beach," Seydoux said the Parrot, which employed 450 people and has previously specialized in the possession of wireless systems free.

"A child can pilot it. I want to make it both very easy to use and safe," he said.

The engineers increased gaming reality show, in essence, but they point out the AR.Drone built on the open platform and the company is inviting outside developers to create games for the device.

The prospect of creating a robot battles increasing reality in much excitement on the gaming world. Gaming websites are awash with comments from the hovered over the heads AR.Drone the awed visitors to the Las Vegas show technical.

Games blog on the Guardian newspaper said Britain was a prediction that has come true "that we all die one day be indulging in real life games, robotic strong slaves in battle on the streets of our towns and cities, as a control We carnage through our computers. "

There are already increasing reality applications in the fields of medicine, defense, navigation, education, and in gaming.

But many observers are touting the AR.Drone as heralding another major thing in the world of video games, in 2009 was worth more than 50 billion dollars (35 billion euros) worldwide, according to industry figures.

But gamers will have to be patient. Parrot says only that a drone going on sale some time this year, and they refuse to confirm the price of 500 dollars that bandied about in the newspapers.

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The Apple iTunes Store page for donations Haiti
Apple has added to the iTunes Store page that allows people to donate to the American Red Cross to assist people affected by the earthquake of January 12 in Haiti.

On these pages you can click on to donate $ 5, $ 10, $ 25, $ 50, $ 100, or $ 200. The Apple that goes 100 per cent of the donations to the Red Cross, and will "support emergency relief efforts to assist people affected by the earthquake." Donations can go to relief supplies, mobilizing relief workers, or providing financial resources.

Apple also says that iTunes for some personal information to the Red Cross, so that you get only receive email from the iTunes standard email.

Many companies have recently pledged to donate profits from their apps with the relief efforts as well.

Note that you can use iTunes Store credit-donations towards my donation this morning and did not change my credit balance.

Story of Newton's encounter with apple goes online

An account of how 18th-century helped by a falling piece of Isaac Newton to develop results on the theory seriously on the web, making scans of the fragile paper manuscripts are widely available to the public for the first time.

Steps are the apple in Newton's science anecdotes among the most celebrated, and the British Royal Society said it is making the documents available online on Monday.

Royal Society librarian Keith Moore is the story that apple managed to keep a Polish in part because it packs so much - the production of works how modern science, implicit reference to the solar system, and even allusion to the Bible .

Newton and describe the process of observation falling apple and guessing at the principle behind it "on it by talking about the scientific method," Moore said.

Recalls "In addition to the shape of the apple on the planet - it is round - and of course the apple falling from the trees which hark, indeed, back to the story of Adam and Eve, and Newton as a religious man would Apt found that many. "

The incident occurred in the mid-1660s, when Newton retreated to a family home in northern England after the outbreak of the plague closed the University of Cambridge, where he was studying.

Recounts the Royal Society's manuscript, written by Newton's contemporary William Stukeley, a spring evening in 1726 when the scientist shared the story of the famous tea more than "under the Shade several apple trees."

"He told me, he was just in the same situation, as when the former, the concept of Gravitation on intention," wrote Stukeley.

"It was occasion'd at the apple to fall, as he sat in contemplative mood. Why should that apple perpendicularly always descend to the ground, he thought to himself ... Why should it not go sideways , or more? But, always to the center of the world? Assuredly, the reason is, that it draws the world. There must be drawing power in question. "

Stukeley required to account for the long-lost notes of Newton's 17-century rival Robert Hooke scientific site of the Royal Society's website.

Users can flip through both documents use the same page turning software used to browse Leonardo sketches and the early work of Jane Austen's the British Library's.

The Royal Society for the academy of scientists founded in 1660 to collect, discuss and spread scientific knowledge. It is marking its 350 mark this year with more than 60 on-line the most important scientific papers.

Free Online File Storage Sites

Following our coverage of Box.net online file storage that came little more social, is here more than 15 free storage sites on line you can use to store, share and support up to some important files.


A large online store where Internet users to store text, audio, video, photos, and other files and share them, if they wish, with other people. Offers 5GB of free storage for document files (doc, txt, pdf, rtf, xls), music files (mp3, ogg, wav mid,), video file (AVI, MPG, MPEG), image files (jpg, gif , BMP, PNG)


Offiers up to 5GB of file storage, file upload by mobile Snapit.mobi, for sharing photos, add music and videos, create links directly to download and access files via email, IM, web pages, and forum.


The file you for secure online storage and provides 1GB of storage space. There Uploading / Downloading of files is limited to 50MB.


Offers simple drag and drop file management system; Sync allows you to Humyo folder on your computer; cruinneachán secured file management. OR it, the file management in the cloud you can access your files anywhere, using any computer or even your mobile phone. It also allows you to share files with your friends and family.


ADrive solution is a feature-rich online store to offer up to 50GB free storage for 14-day trial. OR it, cloud storage system that let you access files anywhere, share files, organize documents online, and FTP file transfer.


A personal file storage and sharing site aimed at members of social networks including Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. Offers you access to your files and your friends, AO file from within that social network. Offers 1GB of online storage for free.


Offers easy to use, feature-pacáilte file sharing service completely free. Makes you upload files up to 150MB per upload. Features Upgrade lets you upload 500MB.


Offers online virtual storage space to store, access, sharing, and support up your data. Offers 30 day free trial for up to 30GB storage.


Offers both free and paid accounts for storing your files. Fileden free account gives you the 1GB of storage space, 50MB file size maximum limit, 50GB of Bandwidth monthly, and hotlinking of files.


Microsoft Live, OR file online storage, perhaps, could your best bet for online storage. Why? He, OR from Microsoft, so it must be strong enough. Offers 25GB of free storage, anywhere access and secure password protection features. Connect it up with other Windows Live services as well.


Althoug LiveDrive currently in beta mode, that should not stop you from seeking their services. It offers unlimited storage for free, works like a normal computer hard drive minus the hardware, synchronizes files on your computer, access your files on your mobile phone, PDA and other devices, and share your files.


A web-based file storage system offers 20MB free account. If you need more storage, you must upgrade to a paid account. The site allows you to upload, download, manage and file online, access your files from any Internet connected computer.


Offers 6GB of online storage for free. It lets you access your files from any location, file sharing and collaboration with friends. And if you want unlimited storage, but would cost you $ 5.


Tools to manage and offers a number of online data. Allows to select some files private group of people. Prevention privacy security for some files with other people that you know Don, Äôt share the file with. The site also lets you create photo albums, as well as hotlinking your social networking profiles.


The final storage site on line on our list, of course, but we covered Box.net recently

BMW, Mercedes desided to use Intel Atom-chips

Technology Company Intel Corp. will receive a number of additional cases of the German automotive industry and heavy machinery industry in the coming years, the head of German operations said.

Premium German car manufacturers BMW and Mercedes will use microprocessors from Intel chips in information and entertainment systems in their cars starting in 2012, Hannes Schwaderer told Reuters in an interview on Friday.

"We have won new customers in the durable goods sector such as Bosch Rexroth," he added.
German manufacturers of televisions and set top boxes would quickly implement the new generation of Atom chips - designed for use in netbooks and mobile devices.

"In 2009 we have really seen no income from that, but that will all begin to change in 2010," Schwaderer added.

Traditional business with Intel chips for personal computers and servers will continue to dominate in the immediate future.

Last year, in Germany remained stable thanks to solid demand for laptops, Schwaderer said, adding the consumer division offset a drop in corporate business.

Schwaderer said he expects Intel's new line of notebooks and desktops will soon be launched in Germany, adding: "We have profitable growth."

Intel, based in Santa Clara(Ca), reported stronger than expected fourth quarter earnings on Thursday and gave a bullish outlook on higher margin rates and strong demand for server chips.

Apple launches free MobileMe Gallery application for iPhone

Although you can already use the iPhone MobileMe gallery just visit your URL, Apple's new MobileMe Gallery to make it faster and easier access.this Application is free of cost and comes with a very respectable set of features.

Not only can you visit your entire gallery (as well as password protected albums), but you can also view photos and movies, published by his friends, obtained previously-viewed photos, even when you do not have Internet access, and e-mail link to any album in the same app.

One of MobileMe users are often referred to complaints that many Web service Apps can not be used on the iPhone and those who have the iPhone app equivalents do not always provide all the functionality. MobileMe Gallery, F, or what it is worth it, looks really better than to enter the galleries in Safari: it is easy to find a gallery of friends, upload photos snappily, and then even neat scrolling marquee photos.

APP supports German, French and Japanese languages, including English language, and is compatible with the iPhone or iPod touch running iPhone OS 3.1 or later. APP, however, should be actively MobileMe subscription, even if you just want to see other people's public albums.

Keynote 3D Stuff 3.0 released by iPresentee

iPresentee, the developer add-ons for Apple's iWork and iLife Apps, has released Keynote 3D Stuff 3.0, 3D images in a package can be used with Apple's Keynote, iWeb and Pages.

Keynote 3D Stuff collection consists of 181 3D objects, including a large number of people silhouettes, office objects like pencils, computers, file cabinets, household items like lamps and chairs, and other whimsical items. Version 3.0 adds 66 new 3D objects package, lifting 115 included from previous releases.

Keynote All 3D objects in the background is transparent and can be used on any colored background. Within Apple's Keynote, iWeb and Pages, these objects can be adjusted to the size, orientation, and opacity, fitted with shadows or even overlapped with one another to create extra effects. All Keynote 3D Stuff objects designed in 3D. Each object is optimized for 1024-by-768-pixel presentations and pages of documents or iWeb templates of any size. They are also compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and Word.

In addition, the update iPresentee offers Keynote and iWeb View Suite. Keynote Show includes a package of 60 Keynote Themes, 47 Keynote Motion Themes, Keynote Animations 115 and 181 Keynote 3D Stuff objects for $ 70th IWeb Suite package includes 35 iWeb Themes 35 iWeb Themes for Business, 10 iWeb, Magnetic, 75 iWeb Animations and 181 Keynote 3D Stuff objects.

Keynote 3D Stuff 3.0, $ 25 and requires Mac OS X, but with Keynote, iWeb or Pages version.

Samples and more information about Keynote 3D Stuff you will find iPresentee website.

Coaxial Wireless Service Coming in March

Communications will launch its wireless services in three markets in March, from the Sprint Nextel network, but Cox is working to build your network.

Provider, cable TV, broadband and fixed-line voice services, announced in October 2008 would be to add a mobile component of its supply through its 3G (third generation) wireless network. The service was open in 2009, as planned, although only three markets, and the trial period, using Sprint's infrastructure.

Although other U.S. cable companies had a mobile offers, through partnership, Cox surprised some industry observers, the choice of an expensive and time-consuming approach to building its own infrastructure. That the quest for the purchase of its wireless spectrum licenses. Competitor Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks distribution business of mobile data services using the Clearwire WiMAX network, which has helped fund.

Cox builds its own network, using EV-DO (Evolution-Data Optimized) Revision, same version of CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) technology, which uses Sprint's 3G. However, the cable company plans to examine the LTE (Long-Term Evolution) for future 4G networks, leaving Sprint, which uses Clearwire WiMAX 4G systems.

While the initial launch will be the Sprint network, Cox will direct every aspect of service including customer support calls, according to the Cox agent David Grabert. The company starts its official launch of Orange County, California, Omaha, Nebraska, and the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Although Cox does not provide any information about the plan prices and conditions for information Thursday the company introduced a marketing campaign that pokes fingers at the "unfair" wireless promotion, including a surprise payment of unused voice minutes that disappears. The campaign's Cox says the service will be "incredibly fair."

Subscribers will be able to acquire wireless services by itself or bundled with Cox's video, Internet and voice services. The company has more than 6 million homes and business subscribers in 18 countries and more than one-third of them to buy all three services, according to Grabert. Nearly two-thirds of Cox subscribers to do at least two of its services.

Tech companies pitch in for Haiti relief

sector offers its own pocket, and its Web site to help earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.

After moving into the massive 7.0 earthquake, which left many Haitian capital, ruins and millions of already impoverished country without food, clean water, housing and sanitation.

Google has committed $ 1 million and set up a special donations page and added updated satellite imagery of the region on Google Maps. Microsoft said that snow up to $ 1.25 million in cash and in kind donations, as well as to meet the employee's contributions, as part of a standard program that corresponds to each worker U.S. $ 12,000 donations each year.

Apple has set up a donation mechanism in iTunes, but with the Red Cross and the cell's campaign to raise money through text message donations have pulled more than $ 4 million, according to Verizon Wireless spokesman.

SMS-based donation marks a significant change, which means charitable giving. According to Verizon Wireless, for $ 4 million in donations is now overshadowed by SMS text message donations from all of 2009 for all carriers.

For those who wish to donate may read "Haiti" on the 90,999 and $ 10 will be added to their mobile phone bill. All the money will go to the Red Cross, even though MSNBC quoted a representative of Sprint, saying its customers can be charged for text messages. Other major carriers said the site, customers do not pay for the donation text.

T-Mobile added that through the end of the month, is refusing to charges to subscribers, trying to reach loved ones in Haiti, as well as roaming charges to subscribers, which may be Haiti. The waiver is retroactive to 12 Jan, date of Quake. Verizon formation also donate $ 100,000 and matching employee donations up to $ 1000 for each worker.

Intel Foundation offers to match donations to parties by the chipmaker employees, per employee to $ 2000, while AMD said that will match donations of time or money to the workers, to $ 3000 per employee. Goddady.com said it is donating $ 500,000 to Hope for Haiti. Symantec has donated $ 50,000 to care, and also with the donation, up to $ 1000 per employee.

Salesforce.com At the same time, the harmonization of national contributions to the special web site to $ 100,000. List with other companies to make donations, has been published in the United States Chamber of Commerce Web site.

Technology companies and government officials are also warning those who wish to donate to be a lookout for scams, which have already begun cropping up. For those who wanted to help, without which the victim of one of the scams, Charity Navigator is a list of the top-rated nonprofits working in Haiti for relief.

Microsoft, Cisco and others are also working with NetHope to help build the main power, communications and other infrastructure. Meanwhile, telecommunications Sans Frontières (Telecommunications Without Borders) has sent an emergency response teams to help rebuild communications systems and support of aid workers.

What is online starage and backup

You may have heard of data storage locations before, but have you thought about how they can help you? Virtual data rooms are the ideal place to store your files and documents.

If you want to share documents that you want to send by e-mail (if you want to protect your identity, or because the files are too large), then data storage is your answer. Using the online data room to store your files you can rest easy to know your documents are secure and safe.

File hosting allows backup of important documents in whatever form they may be, whether it is the card or Word documents. Another benefit of data storage locations is that you can access them from any computer with any Internet browser. So, if you have important files that you need access while traveling for business, then you do not have to worry about which computer to bring.

New Battery Tech That could let you talk for days

A new technology using silicon nanowires would increase the capacity of rechargeable lithium-ion battery to store charge up to a factor of 10, according to research conducted at Stanford University.

The technology could significantly extend the operating time of battery-powered devices like digital cameras, iPods, mobile phones and notebook computers from a minimum four hours to a full day or an entire work week.

This achievement is the upward trend for lithium-ion batteries, but a revolutionary one, according to Yi Cui, assistant professor of Materials Science and Engineering and lead researcher.

"If the allegations are true, this could be a breakthrough technology," said Roger Kay, president, Endpoint Technologies Associates.
Increased capacity

Standard lithium-ion batteries use graphite anodes that are able to hold only a limited amount of charged particles of lithium. The limited capacity of graphite anodes is essentially responsible for the relatively short life burden of lithium-ion battery. The replacement of graphite anodes with silicon nanowires to increase charge capacity of the storage battery, the Stanford researchers found.

"Silicon is an attractive anode material for lithium batteries because it has little chance of discharge and the highest known theoretical charge capacity," the report says.

However, the researchers needed to solve a longstanding problem surrounding the use of silicon in lithium-ion batteries. The repeated import and export of lithium ion causes tiny silicon wires to degrade and eventually be dissolved, which leads to poor battery performance Click here to learn how the AT & T Application Management can help you focus on the development and the profitability of your business. long term.

"Although [the ability of silicon] is more than 10 times higher than existing graphite anodes and much larger than various nitride and oxide materials, silicon anodes have limited applications Click here to learn how the AT & T Application Manager you may help to focus on growth and profitability of your business. because changes in the volume of silicon by 400 percent in import and export of lithium, resulting in pulverization and capacity fading, "the report explains.
The Solution Steel

Cui, together with colleagues of the researchers, solved the problem by growing silicon nanowires directly on a substrate of stainless steel, which served as current collector, the report says. The nanowires were able to inflate up to four times their normal size - one millimeter thickness of a piece of paper - which absorbed lithium is not any breakage.

The anodes were then able to achieve the maximum theoretical charge capacity of silicon for the first cycle of charge and remained close to 75 percent of maximum during the numerous charge and discharge cycles, according to researchers.

The new lithium-ion batteries could be available within several years.

"This could make a big difference in many possible applications, if the benefits can be carried all the way through the process at a reasonable cost," Kay told TechNewsWorld.

Alcatel Kicks Off Project to Make Telecom Nets 1,000 Times Greener

Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs launched a Green touch, a project aimed at making communication networks 1,000 times more energy-efficient.

Founding members of the project include service providers such as AT &T; research laboratories such as MIT Research Lab for electronics and Bell Labs? And the government and nonprofit research institutions such as the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control.

The project hopes to deliver a network architecture reference to prove the essential elements required for it until 2015.

Reach Out and Green Something
Green Touch bases 1000 times better energy efficiency research Bell Labs. The laboratory analyzed the information and communication technology (ICT) networks, technologies and architecture.

Bell Labs then applied the Shannon-Hartley theorem of its findings. Roughly speaking, the theorem describes the maximum bandwidth available for transmission by adding the value of the signal encoding and the value of noise or interference.

Founding members of the Project Green Touch from various countries. Service provider members include AT & T, the China Mobile, by Portugal Telecom, Swisscom, Switzerland provider, and global telecommunications giant Telefonica. Members of the academic research laboratory is the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, Wireless Stanford University in Systems Laboratory and the University of Melbourne Institute for broadband-enabled society.

Government and nonprofit research institution shall be the CEA-LETI Applied Research Institute of Microelectronics and the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA). Industrial members of the laboratory, except for Bell Labs is the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Freescale Semiconductor.

The project has also received expressions of support from the United States Energy Secretary Steven Chu and the British, French, South Korea and Portugal.

The Green Touch Vision
By 2015, the Green Touch Project aims to deliver the architecture, standards and roadmap to reduce the energy consumption of communication networks at the rate of 1,000 per user from current levels. It also plans to demonstrate key elements of it.

"It's a really aggressive program," Gee Rittenhouse, head of research at Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU) Bell Laboratories, told the E-Commerce Times. "We have five years to demonstrate these technologies."

Bell Labs is open for membership of the project Green Touch. Why not get other carriers, governments and organizations on board before the announcement of the project? "It takes a lot of time to plan a project of this size, and much time wasted on this," Rittenhouse explained. "With something that is this broad and complex, rather than trying to work with all elements that will take forever, would be representation from each of the constituencies to our members and, with a smaller group, I can build something that can prove.

It expects membership to grow over time.

We are the green world
The Green Touch project should not have trouble getting buy-in, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce times. "Governments want this trend to a large extent, I would expect that they will have no problem getting on board," he stressed. "It may come to be simply a problem of keeping people who must approve announcements to a manageable level."

VMWare wants to buy Zimbra software from Yahoo

VMware Inc agreed to buy email software vendor Zimbra by Yahoo Inc, as Yahoo continued to sell parts not related to core consumer business on the Web.

The companies didn't disclose the terms of the Zimbra's sale, which makes software for Web-based e-mail and calendar systems that compete with those from Google Inc, the IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp Yahoo paid 350 million U.S. dollars for Zimbra in October 2007 as part of a takeover move that preceded the arrival of current CEO Carol Bartz, who was hired last year to turn around the company match.

VMware sells the programs used by companies to enhance the efficiency of computer hardware - allowing a machine to perform the work of multiple pieces of equipment. Programs also help companies manage complex data centers.

Jefferies & Co analyst Katherine Egbert said he saw how the line Zimbra email and calendar software will complement the existing products of VMware.

VMware, which is majority owned by EMC Corp, said the acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter of this year.

Wireless charging, iPhone TV and more gadtes at hot gadges show

At the International Consumer Electronics(ICE) Show last week, 3-D television, electronic readers and small laptops captured much of the attention.

There were plenty of other interesting ideas on display, also, from 3-D printing for cell phone wireless tether. Here are some of the gadgets are expected to keep out even for this year, and even some of the best eyebrow machicolation of play:

TV on the iPhone - Qualcomm Inc. 's FLO TV service has been limited by the fact that only a few AT & T Inc. and Verizon cell phones to receive the wireless signals, to about 15 news, sports and entertainment channels. Now, Qualcomm has teamed up with phone maker Mophie Accessories create an external battery pack for the iPhone that doubles the FLO TV receiver. This is expected in the first half of the year.

Game-controller glove - Iron Innovations have shown a futuristic-looking black-and money-center glove and keyboard that lets users control games by Touching fingers together instead. Called the Fabhcún, the glove includes five sensors on each finger to replace different keystrokes when she contacted a glove to the thumb.

Wireless charges - Last year, showed off a Powermat U.S. MAT gadgets were being charged because it - as long as the gadgets were fitted with special covers.

Polaroid Instant Cameras - Polaroid stopped making the instant film two years ago, but brave group of enthusiasts and bought one of the former Polaroid factory in the Netherlands and reinvented the film. A film is expected on the market later this year, and to go along with, Polaroid announced at the show that it will bring back instant film cameras.

The cell-phone tether - losing your cell phone to draw, and called Zomm body believes it can make the thing on the past. It is a small device, also known Zomm, that wireless connection to your phone via Bluetooth and sets out the alarm if you walk out of it.

-3 D camera - the world pressure from makers of television sets that year to show 3-D on the town. Fujifilm, betting that people want to shoot their own 3-D movies and photos as well, is to sell as well as digital camera with two lenses, a set rather than as if they are human eyes.

3-D filter - What if you want 3-D scenes, but you are not trying to get a new 3-D television and Blu-ray player? Realview Innovations Ltd. It all worked out for you. The Irish company has developed the film over can be set to make it look as flat on the surface of the screen bulges inwards.

3-D color printing - Shapeways is offering 3-D print for several years, providing data files and turning them into sculptures with the help of a machine set down together layers of plaster-like material. At the show, the Dutch company announced that they are now offering sculptures in full color.

Mopping robot - it is the battle of the cleaning robots! The robots Roomba vacuuming will get competition this September from the Mint, a square that eochaircheap register for Swiffer dry or wet-type cleaning cloth. Guided by the beacon light that projects on the ceiling Infrared (think Batman signal), the Mint will sweep methodically one room at the time

Nexus One's hardware's cost estimated to be $175

Upcoming Google Nexus One smart phone consists of shares worth about $ 175, according to a tear down of the iSuppli.

The new phone, which Google unveiled, offers a less developed by Google and the external design of HTC. The main interface is a 3.7-inch AMOLED display. The Nexus One runs Google Android operating system 2.1, and WVGA display appeared 3G graphics.

While Google has priced at Nexus One at $ 179 with a two-year T-Mobile service plan ($ 529 without the subscription plan), the phone numbers of the material for $ 174.15, according to iSuppli analysis, which was posted Friday. The report stated that his plan does not include other costs such as production, packaging and software.

"Things like that durable unibody construction, a blazingly fast Snap Dragon base band processor and bright and sharp Active Matrix Organic Light-emitting Diode (AMOLED) displays all have seen on previous phones, but never before combined in one design," Kevin Keller Senior Specialist in iSuppli, said in a statement.

Most animals in the 17-bit in HTC-built phone is 1 GHz Qualcomm Snap Dragon's processor, which rings in at $ 30.50, or 20 percent of plan iSuppli Bill of materials. Snap Dragon debuted in February 2009 in Toshiba TG01, which is based on Windows Mobile. But iSuppli found ARM-based processor to be better in the new Nexus One.

The Android 2.1 operating system is used in the Nexus One better capitalizes on fast performance Snap Dragon is, the user interface and applications run very fast, "Keller said." This processing muscle also gives Nexus One key capabilities, especially the high-definition 720p video playback. "

Next expensive component is Samsung's 3.7-inch AMOLED display, which lists at $ 23.50. iSuppli notes that the AMOLED technology appears before the Samsung's Android-based I7500 with a 3.2-inch AMOLED touch screen.

"The 3.7-inch AMOLED display at Nexus One delivers a stunning picture," Keller said.

Rounding out the three most expensive part in the Nexus One is Samsung's 4Gbit (512MB) of DDR DRAM, which costs $ 20.40, or about 11 percent of the estimated cost iSuppli today. iSuppli notes that comparable smart phones generally contain not more than 2Gbits of DRAM, but to increase the memory to allow for better application performance.