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Clinton plans to stump Net global freedom

Foreign Minister Hillary Rodham Clinton was preparing to deliver a major speech on Saturday raised the importance of Internet freedom and place influence from the United States' diplomacy behind the effort to protect it, according to many who have given explanations about the content of speech.

Clinton's speech at the Newseum in Washington, DC, intended to announce that support for independence and freedom of the press line will be the priority and the Department of Foreign Affairs will address the importance of CyberSecurity, who said the explanation was given. For example, the United States be prepared to ask for support countries to state the basic principles of freedom around the Internet as part of the conditions to receive foreign aid, sources told CNET News.

Speech will come just nine days after Google's blunt declaration about illegal Chinese sensors and electronic interference, including charges of theft of intellectual property. A total of 30 other companies may have been targeted, including Yahoo, Symantec, Juniper Networks, Dow Chemical, and Northrop Grumman.

One question answered for directing the Assistant Foreign Minister Michael Posner, which took place Tuesday morning, is whether the Department of Foreign Affairs will risk offending the Chinese government last week to discuss the proposed cost by Google. "We do not have the impact that will have particular reference Chinese Google incident," said Robert Mahoney, deputy director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, one of those given an explanation.

But State Department officials, speaking on background, told CNET that the incidents in the future will be included in Google's Chinese speech.

Speech came at a dangerous time in Washington-Beijing relations, which have been emphasized by the dispute at the Copenhagen summit carbon emissions and the controversy over China's currency valuation, yuan.

"If people find the putting out of 1-through-10 Internet agenda, they will be disappointed," said Leslie Harris, president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, who is also an explanation. "But if they find the United States to place the power of diplomacy on the line for Internet freedoms, it will become a very important speech."

Google believes blunt recognition that the Chinese government is behind penyusupan in the internal network, and possible theft of source code, has been among the turbulent political and technology since last week. Has led the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to show that it will lodge an official protest in a letter - called demarche - with Beijing.

In the last few days, State Department officials have been meeting with several partners and China say they plan to continue the discussion.


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