surprised to find that the impact of mobile phones, launched in early adult life protects memory in mice otherwise destined to develop symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, "Gary Arendash, lead author of the study and research of Florida Alzheimer's Disease Center, said in a statement.
The researchers showed that mice, exposing old Alzheimer's disease in the electromagnetic waves generated by mobile phones removed brain deposits of beta-amyloid, a protein is strongly associated with Alzheimer's disease. Clumps of beta-amyloid form of the so-called brain plaques that are the hallmark of this disease. Scientists suggest the radiation of cell phones increases brain temperature, causing brain cells to release Nasty plaques.
They suspect that a similar effect would occur in humans, and therefore mobile phone radiation can be used for prevention and treatment of debilitating diseases for us, they say.
However, studies conducted in rodents, does not always lead to a useful human therapy, so further studies will be needed.
Mice on cell phones:
The study involved 96 mice, most of which have been genetically modified to develop beta-amyloid plaques and memory problems mimicking Alzheimer's disease as they age. Some mice remained as is, so that scientists could test the impact of radiation on normal memory.
Both Alzheimer's disease, and mice were exposed to the electromagnetic field generated by the use of standard mobile phone within two 1-hour periods each day for seven to nine months.
Mice were actually chatting on a mobile phone or even the packaging devices. Rather, they were placed in cells arranged around a centrally located antenna, which gave rise to a cell phone signal. The cells were located at equal distances from the antenna and is subjected to radiation emitted normally to the mobile phone, pressing a human head
Radiation and memory:
Was protected results showed, if the impact of mobile phones began when the mice were Alzheimer's young people - to the signs of memory impairment were obvious - their cognitive abilities. In fact, the Alzheimer's mice performed as well as on tests measuring memory and thinking in the aged mice without dementia.
If the adult mice with Alzheimer's has already seen problems with memory were exposed to radiation of a cell phone, their memory impairment disappeared. Researchers believe this treatment may be associated with a slight increase in brain temperature that they observed in Alzheimer's mice months after infection with cell phones. The higher the temperature, may help the brain with Alzheimer's disease, to remove the newly formed beta-amyloid, causing brain cells to release it.
Impacts of a cell phone even increased the memory of normal mice above the normal level.
Memory of benefits took months to show up, consider that a similar effect in humans will last for years. The researchers suspect that the main reason for this is to improve the ability of electromagnetic radiation to increase brain activity, promoting blood flow and increase energy metabolism in the brain.
How people can benefit?
Test memory used in mice was designed to test for the determination of Alzheimer's disease, or its very early signs (mild cognitive impairment), are present in the human body.
"Since we have chosen the electromagnetic parameters, which were identical to the person to use a cell phone and test mice closely analogous problem for human memory test, we believe that our findings may have considerable relevance to people," said Arendash.
Arendash and his colleagues concluded that the electromagnetic field effects could contribute to the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease in humans. They are currently evaluating whether different sets of electromagnetic frequencies and strengths will produce faster and more effective than cognitive contained in their current study.
There have been recent controversy about the electromagnetic waves from cell phones cause brain cancer. Although many studies have found no risk, review article in October last year concluded that some of the "highest quality" studies show, has made the associated risk. World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health continues to conduct research on the topic, and some countries have issued guidelines for the use of mobile phones, such as restricting the use of children.
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